I am aware the criminal hacker tried to con a lot of people on internet today { i received five fraudulent calls today] but I did NOT give him any content nor any number nor any account of mine ever. Don't be fooled by criminal hackers!
Copyright. Gloria Poole, Missouri. 29th June 2017 at 8:50am. ALL RIGHTS TO THIS ENTIRE BLOG FROM ITS BEGINNING TO ALL ART ALL PHOTOS AND ALL WORDS ON IT ARE RESERVED FOR [KEPT FOR] ME GLORIA POOLE OF MISSOURI. You may not download any content from this blog. You may not forward your domains to this blog. You may not make prints, nor reproductions, nor copies, nor copy-and-paste-images nor derivative works from any content on this blog. You may not save any content on his blog to your flash drive or harddrive. You may not represent yourselves as a "co-worker" ,nor a "boss" nor a "supervisor" nor an "employee" nor a "courier" nor a "boy friend" nor a "husband" nor a "partner" nor a "manager" nor a "superintendent" nor a "business partner" nor an "owner" nor a"roommate' nor an 'agent' nor a "representative" nor a "literary agent' of mine. I, Gloria Poole, create all content on this blog and own all rights to it, and I create it in my own apt in Missouri for my own purposes.
Also, thank you very much to my followers/ readers of previous post in US, Bangladesh and Spain and new regions on twitter today of West Bengal, India; Haywards Heath Sussex, UK; and Kem, Solapur, India. I appreciate it. for complete list of countries and regions following me see my https://gloriapoole.blogspot.com blog via link below.
Also see one of the cartoon sites of mine that I also updated today at: https://sites.google.com/site/poolegloria/
My selfie in Feb 2017:
This is a selfie of me [Ms] Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, and artist in all visual mediums, that I photographed yesterday to add to a blog. It is necessary to do this for several reasons: there was a well-orchestrated effort last week to totally annihilate me from the web and to steal my landline telephone, a cell phone number of mine, and there was a fake obituary that was sent to Google to try to fool the world about me. I am alive and well [except for the permanent damage to my physical body from trauma on 2 occasions]. I am adding this here today to document that I am alive and well, and still very much active on web and in other ways. I photographed this in my bathroom so I could use the mirror to see the push button on other side of camera, and forgot I had a towel over the door! And that white streak is where I wiped mirror first but didn't realize til photo that threads got on mirror. I often look very red in summer because I walkabout a lot in the sunshine. I am a white woman and that is apparent in a better light. photo-by-gloriapoole. Copyright. Gloria Poole. Missouri. 27 Feb 2017. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
My copyright notice I made for this blog and all content on it. Read statement at bottom of post.
Below are some more of my sites and blogs that include more of the content I create{d] over time and update intermittently w/ art I created.
https://gloriapoole.blogspot.com Updated by me Gloria on 22nd Aug with cartoon I drew of singing birds.
https://mini-exhibition.blogspot.comUpdated by me Gloria on 22nd August w/ sketch of a royal crown that I drew and painted. 2017
https://gloria0817.blogspot.comUpdated by me Gloria on 22nd August with sketch of orange flower I drew that day. w/ art I created.
https://gloriapoole.wordpress.com I updated this yesterday with autodraw drawing I drew in green and yellow.
https://lifes-entertainment.blogspot.com Updated by me gloria on 30th july with sketch I drew designing patterns. https://gloriapoole1749.wordpress.com Updated by me on 30th July with design I drew of paisleys.
Updated by me Gloria on 30th July with sketch I painted "eat more fish".
https://gloriapoole-paintings.blogspot.com Updated by me Gloria in August 2017.
https://gpoole817.blogspot.comUpdated by me Gloria in August, 2017
https://cartooning-by-gloriapoole.blogspot.com http://gloriapoole.livejournal.comI Gloria updated this on 23rd August with abstract in watercolor I drew.
https://publishing-life.blogspot.com I, gloria, updated this on 16th August with "Two simple messages for world" that I wrote.
https://sites.google.com/site/gloriapoole/; updated by me on 20 April 2017 at 4:41pm
https://sites.google.com/site/paintingsofgloriapoole/ ; updated by me on 20th April 2017 at 4:43pm
https://sites.google.com/site/callmegloriapoole/; updated by me on 20th April 2017 at 4:50pm
https://save-the-baby-humans.blogspot.com Updated by me as usualP> https://prolife-nurse.blogspot.comUpdated by me as usual.
https://tapestry-of-life-LLP.blogspot.comUpdated by me as usual.
https://words-that-work-LLP.blogspot.com Updated by me as usual.
photo-by-gloriapoole. This is my selfie --one in a series of photographs of myself I, Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse and artist, photographed yesterday with two different cameras after I had cried so hard about the attempt by evil people to destroy me last week. I am posting the different selfies to different blogs as each is different pose, to prove that the fake obituary that was sent to Google was a treacherous scheme of evil people to steal my content and life. I am alive and well except for much trauma to me on two different occasions that left permanent damage to my brain, leg, chest, but I have survived all of that. Copyrighted photo. Gloria Poole,RN,artist;Missouri.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Some info about me Gloria Poole:
; diff self me from feb 2017; https://prolife-nurse.blogspot.com/p/about-gloria-poolern.html is a profile page for me.

;; save ; 29 March 2017; 10:34am
This is one of my Christian crosses to remind all that I am raised Southern Baptist and am believer in THE LIVING LORD JESUS.That is my hand in that photo that I photographed in recent months this year. To read what I believe please read https://salvation-is-free.blogspot.com.
This is the symbol of my alma mater Georgia Baptist College of Nursing where I graduated; and took state boards in Georgia to become a Registered Nurse years ago.I have a Registered Nurse license in Missouri.
This is the display I made of the University of Georgia's Terry College of Business where I got a second education and graduated with a business degree.
This is one of my photos of the U S flag I photographed on walkabout to remind all I am a U S citizen with all civil liberties including freedom of Press, freedom to worship THE LORD GOD, and freedom to associate with whomever I want or not to associate with those GOD labels "abomination" and freedom to protest governments. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP: this account, this blog and all sites of it, the email of it, and this apartment in Missouri, and ALL telephones in it, and all computers in it, and all cameras in it, and all possessions in it, and all services that are supplied to it,and all legitimate financial accounts of mine belong ONLY to me Gloria Poole of Missouri.
COPYRIGHT GLORIA POOLE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright notice: I, Gloria Poole, own all rights to all content on this blog. Usually I sign the art I create as simply Gloria since that is my first name, that I was born with; but on pencil and or ink drawings I sometimes also sign my born with surname of Poole which is my legal name again because I removed the Pappas name from my name at time of final [second] divorce decree in Oct 2007 from male DBP, and I resumed my full maiden name of Gloria Poole by Court order at the same time. I am also known on the web and in real life as Gloria; Gloria Poole; Gloria J Poole; Gloria Poole, RN, artist; and on the web as : gloriapoole; gloria-poole; gloria.poole; Ms Gloria Poole; gloriapoole.RN; gloriapoole_RN; gloriapooleRN at yahoo; gloria0817; gpoole817; artist-gloriapoole; gloriapoole-paintings; artist-gloria; Poole,Gloria; gloriapoole1749; and other variations of my real, born with, and legal name of Gloria Poole. For the record, I am a white, single-again, twice divorced, Southern Baptist, born again, Christian, woman and the mother of only two children who are grown daughters who are named Jennifer and Leigh. I am also a prolife activist, blogger, artist in all mediums; photographer for my own purposes, Registered Nurse with a license in Missouri but before that for most of my life in the state of Georgia, U.S. citizen born in the state of Georgia; University of Georgia alum, Georgia Baptist College of Nursing alum, writer, illustrator, author, personhood promoter. This blog may not be downloaded, nor copied individually or collectively as a whole; nor have domains forwarded to it that do not belong to me, nor may the photos or art on it be reproduced or saved to disk by anyone .
I create all content on this blog and I, Gloria Poole, own all the tangible art I created and all rights to it and to this blog collectively and individually as single posts. All telephones listed on this account and any account of mine on the web belong to me personally and are in my apartment in Missouri or in my possession at all times. Some of my numbers are wired, landline telephones and some are mobile phones.I have a lease on my apt in Missouri and this is a private aprtment that is not shared and I own all possessions in this aprt including computers, telephones and the usual household sort of stuff. I write this to try prevent cyber-thugs/ID thieves from using my identity or physical address. This blog and all blogs that I create and that contain my words I wrote and or art I made and signed and or photos that I photographed belong exclusively to me Gloria Poole, of Missouri and Georgia. Copyright. Gloria Poole / Gloria / gloriapoole /gloria-poole /gloria.poole/ Ms Gloria Poole/ Poole Gloria / G-L-O-R-I-A / gloriapoole1749 /gloria0817 /gpoole817 / gloriapooleRN at yahoo / gloriapoole.RN / artist-gloriapoole /Gloria Poole,RN,artist /cartooning-by-gloriapoole / photo-by-gloriapoole, and other variations of my real name with or without my professional status as Registered Nurse and with or without numbers after my name, at my own private apt in Missouri which is not shared with anyone and neither is my equipment nor phones shared with anyone, and neither is my isp account shared with anyone which means no one is authorized to log into any account of mine anywhere but me. /signed/ Gloria Poole, RN, artist; at my apt in Missouri on on 24th August 2017 at 7:09pm.
Gloria Poole / Gloria / gloriapoole / [Ms ] Gloria Poole,RN,artist of / gloria0817 in Missouri, USA