Saturday, April 12, 2014

Lighthouse paintings and sketches by Gloria Poole of Missouri and Georgia

I, Gloria Poole, RN, artist in all mediums, currently residing in Missouri but born in Georgia, am adding five of the six lighthouses I drew ,painted, signed, photographed and uploaded  to this blog of mine. The span of time of these sketches is 2006-present. I have these original paintings and sketches. Also, I have labeled each below it . Also, see my 2014 selfie and read the full copyright notice on my about me page [see tab at top of post]   because I, Gloria Poole,  own this blog and all rights to it and to the content of it: all words, photos, art on it. 

"Light house on island" sketch by Gloria Poole
Lighthouse on island, sketch by Gloria Poole of Missouri

Lighthouse oil painting by Gloria Poole; yr 2006
Light house oil painting by Gloria Poole ; yr 2006

"Lighthouse oil painting, in series" by Gloria Poole; yr 2006
Lighthouse oil painting, in series, by Gloria Poole, yr 2006

"Lighthouse sketch by Gloria Poole of Missouri; watercolors
Lighthouse sketch by Gloria Poole of Missouri; yr 2014; watercolors on paper

"Great Lakes Lighthouse as seen from water" sketch by Gloria Poole of Missouri;2014

Posted by me Gloria Poole of Missouri and Georgia from my own private apt in Missouri; with my own equipment to my own blog using art I drew, painted, signed, photographed and uploaded. Cyber-thugs at remote [secret to me] locations  have often broken into this blog and tried diligently today  to prevent me from adding my copyright notice to this post; so I put it for all posts on my about me page and incorporate it by reference. Also, my copyright notice I put on my official blog for Tapestry of LIFE at, also covers this blog. 
Gloria Poole / Gloria / gloriapoole; at my private apt in Missouri which is not shared with anyone. No one else has any authority or right to login to this account but me Gloria Poole of Missouri and Georgia. I am not an employee of anyone and have no business partners; and am not subject to censorship or employer or ngo laws. I am a private U S citizen drawing, painting, sketching photographing, blogging and tweeting  from my own home on my own mission and goals.  12-April-2014 at 10:29am.