Sunday, February 22, 2015

Ethnic series sketch of Kenya by Gloria Poole, of Missouri and Georgia

This is the painted sketch I painted in 3 mediums of watercolors, acrylics and tempera from the pencil drawing I drew first with a #555 layout pencil. I draw with a wide variety of pencils when I am making sketches and I usually painththe sketches with brushes. Depending on several factors I spend much time painting them, or little time painting them. I almost messed up this sketch twice today as I put too much water in the watercolor, had to correct it with acrylics. The background sky is tempera mixed with gue to make it permanent. Also, I had signed this when I did the drawing so I just added in info and painted over my signature to make it permanent on paper. See drawing below. This is from the BBC photo in the new of "one man band" except that I changed the face of the private individual quite a bit. I almost always do that. I understand the differences in private citizens and public figures.

This is the pencil drawing I drew 2 days ago of one man band as I looked at the BBC photo that was clearly marked Kenya and "one man band" on my computer. I thought it was a good subject to include in my ethnic series since I did not have a Kenya figure in it until now. I began my #ethnicseries in yer 2006 when I lived in Aurora Colorado for a year, but I have drawn and painted regularly since about 1991. I have written much about those awful years during that horrible second marriage of four years in Colorado that ended in divorce, thankfully, while I was still alive, since then-husband had tried to kill me several times. You can read some of that on my blog in my former married name at I am divorced from that bad man since Oct 2007 and I moved to Missouri in Oct 2009 with 99.9%of the art I had created anywhere before, with me. Also, my blog in my real, born with name of has much info on my about me page.

This is my signature I signed in digital ink with a computer graphics program to create a personal logo for me for this year. However, I also sign all art I create when I consider it completed , and in the mdium I was painting it with, and right on the art itself.

This is a display I made about the University of Georgia that represents me since I am a UGA alum of the Terry College of Business of UGA, and also an alum of the Georgia Baptist College of Nursing in Atlanta, GA and a professional registered nurse for many years. I cannot work in nursing because of concussions secondary to trauma but I do blog on the #prolife issues often and I blog on #publichealth issues. You can read some of those blogs at:

and you can read about public health news that I blog about on my :

And you can see more art I create on these blogs of mine

And you can read my comments on U S Constitution, being a good citizen, the duty of Christians, on these blogs of mine:


And you can read my efforts to share the gospel on these blogs of mine:

This is not a comprehensive list of all blogs and sites thatI began, write on and create art for. However, I personally own all rights to any art, words, or photos I create for any reason. See copyright notices.

This is my photo of the U S flag I photographed on walkabout one day to remind all that I am a US ciitzen with all first amndment liberties including freedom of press, freedom to worship GOD, and freedom to protst governments.

This is my hand on one of my christian cross necklaces to remind all that I am Southern Baptist/ Great Commission Baptist, and do not make nor worship images of GOD, nor of idols, nor do I bow down in worship to any thing, in keeping with GOD's commandments in Exodus chapter 20.

,P>This is two copyright notices of all cameras and all cell phones with cameras that I have or ever used to photograph art I creted or genre photos. I have in my possession all telephones associated with this account and with any account of mine. This also includes some of the ways I have written my name on the web since about 2003 or earlier in some cases. For instace i have written my name on web as gloriapoole since about 1996.

This is my copyright notice for this blog.

Copyright notice 7 February 2015 at 12:36pm: This blog and all content, all words, all photos and all art on it were created and posted by me Gloria Poole , RN, artist of Missouri and Georgia. Usually I sign the art I create as simply Gloria since that is my first name I was born with; but on pencil drawings I often also sign my born with surname of Poole. I am also known on the web and in real life as Gloria Poole; Gloria J Poole; Gloria Poole, RN, artist; and on the web as : gloriapoole; gloria-poole; gloria.poole; Ms Gloria Poole; gloriapoole.RN; gloriapoole_RN; gloriapooleRN at yahoo; gloria0817; gpoole817; artist-gloriapoole; gloriapoole-paintings; artist-gloria; Poole,Gloria; gloriapoole1749; and other variations of my real, born with, and legal name of Gloria Poole. For the record, I am a white, twice divorced Christian woman and the mother of two grown daughters who are named Jennifer and Leigh. I am also a prolife activist, blogger, artist in all mediums; photographer for my own purposes, Registered Nurse with a license in Missouri but before that for most of my life in the state of Georgia, U.S. citizen born in the state of Georgia; University of Georgia alum, Georgia Baptist College of Nursing alum, writer, illustrator, author. This blog may not be downloaded, nor copied individually or collectively as a whole; nor have domains forwarded to it that do not belong to me, nor may the photos or art on it be reproduced or saved to disk by anyone . I create all content on this blog and I, Gloria Poole, own all rights to this blog collectively and individually as single posts. The telephones listed on this account belong to me and are in my apartment in Missouri or in my possession at all times. Some of my numbers are wired, landline telephones and some are mobile phones. This blog and all blogs that I create and that contain my words and or art and or photos that I create bel*og exclusively to me Gloria Poole, of Missouri and Georgia. Copyright. Gloria Poole /gloriapoole /gloria-poole /gloria.poole/ Ms Gloria Poole/ Poole Gloria at my apt in Missouri on 7 Feb 2015 at 12:45pm which is not shared with anyone and neither is my equipment nor phones shared with anyone, and nether is my isp account shared with anyone. Gloria Poole, RN, artist; at my apt in Missouri on 22 Feb 2015 at 1:09pm.