Friday, May 23, 2014

Art created by Gloria Poole-RN- artist of Missouri and Georgia

I, Gloria Poole, residing in Missouri but born in state of Georgia, am adding 8 more photos of art I drew , painted, signed, photographed and uploaded to this blog of mine.  Copyrighted. See notice below sketches. 

horse in meadow sketch by Gloria Poole of Missouri 23-may 2014
Horse in meadow sketch by Gloria Poole of Missouri 23-May 2014; acrylics on paper 8x11

Squaw repainted by Gloria Poole of Missouri 23-May-2014
Squaw repainted by Gloria Poole of missouri; 23-May-2014 acrylic on paper 14 x 17

air show jumper by Gloria Poole of Missouri
Air show jumper by Gloria Poole of Missouri, yr 2013; sketch only; 14 x 17 on paper; acrylics

couple in profile sketch by Gloria Poole of Missouri; 2014; acrylic on paper
Couple in profile sketch by Gloria Poole of Missouri, acrylic on paper; 2014

watercolor palette sketch by Gloria poole of Missouri; 2014
Watercolor  palette sketch by Gloria Poole of Missouri; watercolor on paper; 2014

walkover bridge first effort by Gloria Poole yr 2004
Walkover bridge by Gloria Poole; yr 2004 [when I lived in Sheridan Colorado and was married a 2nd time that ended in divorce and I moved to Missouri. ]

salmon fishing boat sketch by Gloria Poole of Missouri
Salmon fishing boat sketch by Gloria Poole of Missouri; yr 2013; watercolor on paper

Ethnic oil painting of Indian woman  by Gloria Poole ; yr 2007
Ethnic series oil painting of Indian woman  by Gloria Poole in yr 2007 when I , Gloria,  [artist] lived in Aurora, Colorado. I moved from there to zip code 80203 and from there to Missouri. My 2nd marriage which occurred in Colorado ended in Colorado after four years of a horrible marriage. I reside in Missouri now but I was born in state of Georgia. This oil painting of an Indian was one of the first batch of ethnic oil paintings I painted in my idea to paint a painting of every ethnic group in the world. I am still painting that series when i can afford canvases.
Copyright Notice: This blog and all content of it belongs to me Gloria Poole, RN, artist of Missouri and Georgia; and I own all rights to it.  It may not be copied,  nor reproduced,  nor printed,  nor downloaded,  nor transferred. It belongs exclusively to me who created all art on it, wrote all words on it, photographed all photos on it signed all art on it, and uploaded al art on it. See my full copyright notice and my photo of me [ selfie]  on the about me page and also on another blog of mine at :

Also, see the list of blogs and websites I have created and put my content on, on the about me page of this blog.  Especially see my Memorial Day effort [so far] that I posted today on my blog :
And see my mini exhibit blog that contains art I create as a series at :

Gloria Poole / gloriapoole / Gloria / gloria-poole/  gloria.poole / Ms. Gloria poole / Poole, Gloria / Gloria Poole, RN, artist / gloriapoole_RN / gloriapoole.RN / artist-gloriapoole / artist-gloria and other variations of my real, born with name of Gloria Poole, at my own private apt in Missouri, 23-may 2014 at 8:16pm.